Hats off to those who buy Art.
For those who are considering it:
Buy Art. Buy art now. Buy art because it is good for America. Buy art because it is good for the economy. Buy art because it fosters creativity. Buy art because when you do you support the arts, you support individuals who live in your community and make communities a richer place.
Recently, I attended an art fair. The art fair was located in a quaint town on the water with lots of local and regional artists whose work was on display. The booths were diverse as was the art. There were wood carvers, jewelers, photographers, painters, weavers, widget makers, wooden toy makers, and more. The town was hopping; there were street vendors, musicians and food booths. It was something to do on the weekend. It was a place to meet friends, browse cool stuff, shop and enjoy the day. It is important to remember that these venues which are all across the nation; in towns and cities, rural communities and summer resorts, are dependent on having something to see. Without the artists and the performers that special something that enhances a community would be missing.
So remember the next time you need to buy a gift, want a new piece of jewelry or are decorating your home, visit your community art center, look for a local artist, or visit an art fair and BUY ART. Remember when you find an artist whose work you like but may not be able to afford, contact them, they may have a variety of pieces in a variety of prices and it is always nice to hear from the audience.