Sunday, January 3, 2010

Topic week one: Inertia

Now it is time to post topics for comments....the invitation to you the reader is to feel free to comment on the topic of the week, or send a sample of your work.

Bethany Hight
(see comments below)


contact me at said...

Interesting topic for the start of the new year. I believe, in the past few days, this has had me thinking about my own intertia. That and your always talking about doing some type of artwork everday. You are right! It is essential to put yourself to work. It takes discipline to be an artist. If you want to call yourself an Artist than do the work. I have decided that I'm going to draw a self portrait through the mirror everyday for awhile and see where it takes me. I'm a handy subject, I'm passionate about me and I'm a cheap model. If nothing else I'll get alot of practice drawing.

Art Musings said...

Cultivating a habit, I believe helps overcome the inertia and impulse to stay put.

Thanks for finding your way to this site. I hope you enjoyed the topics and images. Please feel free to comment on past entries or offer suggestions on topics suitable for future Art Musings.
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