Saturday, February 19, 2011

do less with more

There are a few schools of thought out there. The predominant one is: "Do more with less". The problem with this is that we are always seeking for more and we a steeped in a scarcity mentality. Why is more better!
There is another idea that surfaces every once in a while. "Less is more".
And I would like to purpose a third thought process, "Do less with more".
Here is how that works.
Do less thinking and more creating.
Do less whining with more smiling.
Do less, consume less, with more satisfaction.
Do less judging more complimenting
Do less, breathe more.
Do less, need less and be more happy.

We pile on our self a more, more, more notion of success.
Where does that get us? Cluttered and encumbered.
In art the minimalist embraced the notion of less--and it proved to be a great statement.

And the famous designer Coco Chanel said it best:
"Before you leave the house look in the mirror and take one thing off."


Michelle said...

wonderful, simply wonderful.

D. Ann Russ said...

Thx for the perspectives on the "less is more" idea, Cath. Would make for an interesting 100 day project spine I think.

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