Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Broken computers and other tales of woe

I have a refrigerator that is 20 year old. It cost a quarter of the amount of  my 6 year old  Apple computer.
Why is it a 6 year old computer is obsolete. I can't even get the parts to fix it. What do I do with it?
My work Dell lap top at three years old  is approaching old age.  This is a crazy system. I understand technology is rapidly changing, but I have a great monitor which I can't use and some other features that I should be able to use but are gone forever.  If I spent $2000.00 on a washing machine I would expect it to last forever.  I recently bought a 1997 Honda accord with 80,000 miles on it. I am sure that it will last longer that my next computer ( which I haven't purchased yet).

The reason I am writing about this is that it has impaired my ability to  upload photos and posts on this blog.
I will try to get going because I still  have lots to muse about. But I still don't have a new Apple.  :(

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