Tuesday, July 6, 2010


My 100 day project involves three simple ingredients: Paper, scissors and glue.
There are a variety of papers I use; old books, tags and colored paint swatches. I love playing with the color paint samples.But
it is the hunt for the colored paint swatches that I find the most interesting. There are so many different colors available. The home improvement, do it your self, decorating movement is alive and well at Lowes! Lowes has the most variety of paint samples in the world, or at least in my neck of the woods. I can’t believe how many collections they have including designers editions. I have personally labored over 5 different Robin Egg Blues. But, with all that selection I am partial to the ones I have found at Fleet Farm (smattered throughout Wisconsin). These are Valspar samples, they are large, rectangular-- 6x3 inches and their color names are wonderful. Louisville Mint Julep, Egyptian Oasis, Urban Loft and Steel Cog just to name a few.

Sherwin Williams is another great source of swatches. Their Martha Stewart Collection with the punch out squares is a nice touch. When I visit there, I imagine how proud Martha would be by my using her colors for my 100 day project. I can hear her say "it's a good thing.” I love Martha. I like her good taste and her demeanor. She is the real thing. Her critics would be kinder if she were a man. But the fact that she is a middle age woman doing domesticated work, well (yawn), how exciting is that. Perhaps if she wore a tool belt and tank top she would not be judged so harshly. I think anyone who can take the colors beige and tan, call them Travertine and Tamarind, and make a living has got to be a forward thinker.

I was also pleasantly surprised when I ventured into the local True Value Hardware Store to pick up some samples. They have the largest, 4x7 inches! These are vinyl stickers in deep colors. Wall stickers, this could be an interesting addition to the project.
Anyway, all this comes back around to my point on color. Color is exciting and I believe we should have some fun with it, experiment with it any enjoy it. Seek out the real thing, why settle for Vintage Grey when Poetic Jusitce ( a real color name) is out there.

"I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time."
Martha Stewart
What a gal.
next post will be on glue choices.

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